I was lying in bed the other night when a thought popped into my head about Standing A Little Taller. I have a book with that title that is full of inspiration for each day of the year.
I was lying there thinking about how I can help people do exactly that, Stand A Little Taller. There are so many examples and experiences that just flood my mind, I don't know where to start.
Each of us have challenges that are different but we have the same answer for support, our Heavenly Father. Each of us have difficult times that are different because if they were the same we wouldn't get anywhere. One thing I have always remembered since the day I have heard it is this... "You can be disappointed but never get discouraged!" No matter how tough things get and how alone we feel, we are never alone. My sister wrote in my journal, "Keep you head up and when you feel alone, always remember you are never alone, Just a prayer away!" I have always remembered this. I have shared this in many instances. I love it! It always reminds me of who I can turn to.
Best Friends are always there too. I know I have friends that I can turn to for help and encouragement at any time. In my Stand A Little Taller book there is a page on Encouragement, it says...
"For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.
-Matthew 25: 35-36
"All of us can become discouraged. It is important to know, when you feel down, that many others do also and that their circumstances are often much worse than ours. And it is important to know that when one of us is down, it becomes the obligation of his friends to give him a lift."
-Gordon B. Hinckley
Along with our friends to give us that lift is our Heavenly Father. His hand is ALWAYS stretched out just waiting for us to take it. When I think of this I think of the picture where Christ is standing at the door knocking with no handle.
It is up to us to open it or take his hand. It is up to us to help our friends in times of need, we never know when we could be the answer to a friend's prayer. Just a simple phone call saying, "I was thinking about you, How are you doing?" can mean a lot to someone, especially to a close friend. I have done this a lot to my friends and later I found out it is what they needed.
We need to Stand Strong and help those we love to Stand A Little Taller. We never know when we could be the answer to a friend's prayer.
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